Hi everyone!! Hope you are all having a great week so far. Like many people one of my New Year’s resolutions is to try to live a healthier live, specifically work out more. I find myself having my phases where I am committed to going to the gym and working out, but other times that is not the case. Lets face it having the motivation to go to the gym doesn’t always come around easily. Something that helps to motivate me is working out with friends and wearing a good workout outfit. To try to stick to my resolution, this semester I am taking a yoga class at my school so I have been on the lookout for some cute workout clothes. I thought I would share some of my favorite workout clothes right now! I picked out a few workout leggings, tops, sports bras, and jackets from some of my favorite places.
One // Two // Three // Four
Five // Six // Seven // Eight
Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve